(भारत में कोरोनावायरस: वर्तमान समय में एकमात्र तरीका है जिसके द्वारा प्रत्येक व्यक्ति भारत में COVID -19 महामारी प्रभाव को कम कर सकता है।) #Novel_Corona_Virus(COVID-19)

Dear Readers
From the beginning of this epidemic Novel Coronavirus, I was keeping the close view on the news related to the Characteristics of this pandemic disease.
The most crucial thing in that disease observed by me while reading several news/blogs and analytical report is that the symptoms are supposed to appear after 10-14 days of getting affected by the COVID -19 virus which makes that disease too much crucial or lethal and the infected person unknowingly play the role of carrier of this virus and get the other person affected through a chain reaction mechanism due to which it can spread in a large area/provenance/state at a quite accelerated rate within a short span of time.
Thus the time is taken by the individual after infection from COVID -19 to appear the symptoms play a major role in spreading this acute disease.
Here my intention is not to create any panic situation, I am just sharing the observation that observed by me while studying and following the news / analytical report related to the COVID-19.
Till I am writing this blog two deaths have been confirmed from this pandemic disease and the number of infected /suspicious cases are increasing exponentially.
In the present weather condition, the common cold/cough or viral fever are quite often in the people of all ages. In everyday life, each and every individual come into the contact of several other individuals, So a common man can not differentiate the patients suffering from a common cold or from COVID -19.
Thus it becomes more essential that we should restrict our movement and lockdown ourselves within our home till the rise of temperature reduces the intensity of spreading of COVID-19 and the concerned ministry/ medical authority may have the buffer period in which they can take essential step to save the life of the Citizens from this pandemic disease.
Here I am sharing some links that would support the above-written statements, kindly go through it read it very carefully and aware the People of INDIA.