It is one of the best experience of my life that I gathered during my academic journey here in Chennai (Previously Called Madras) under the Guidance of Dr Rammani Retired Eminent Professor of International Finance with research scholar V. Harish Venugopal.

Here I observed the people of Chennai having strong family values, highly Knowledgeable, curious and eager to learn and accept innovation and technology. They believe in simplicity and both male and feminine gender are getting equal importance in society, no gender discrimination at all. Quite religious and having strong faith in GOD, due to that the criminal activities in the city or urban area are quite less in Chennai, The moral values as well as intellectual capital are quite high.When Dr Rammani was instructing me about COFEPOSA, he suggested me to visit Vivekanandar Illam or Vivekananda House, that time I was having no idea about the gravity of this place but when I entered the room, where Swami Vivekananda returned to India via Madras after a triumphant tour of the West in February 1897. He was taken from the station to the Ice House in a grand procession. He stayed there from February 6 to 15 and delivered seven electrifying speeches , experienced a spiritual energy within the room, the kind of English literature present in museum, was pointing out about the intensity of knowledge,the literature and grammatical standard was quite high with all type of figure of speech.

Then I moved towards Marina Beach, covered with glittering golden sand and a clear strip of blue sea, is among the most magnificent beaches in India. Here one thing I would like to tell you that swimming and bathing here can be dangerous because of the undercurrent being turbulent and chaotic. But, rest assured, after visiting the beach, you will feel the waves and winds of rejuvenation take hold of your every sense.

Being the city's primary area for recreation, the entire stretch features numerous statues and monuments that have come up over the years along the beach promenade.But today the sea waves were quite high and frightening me when I was standing on seashore, I will upload the video for you all.